Omar García, widely known as Angurria, is a talented Dominican artist with a rich and diverse career spanning 25 years in the realms of illustration, art direction, and graphic muralism. Throughout his journey, he has collaborated with numerous local and international brands, showcasing his exceptional talent in their campaigns. Some notable brands include Altice, Café Santo Domingo, MLB, Adidas, Warner Brothers, HBO MAX, McDonald’s International, Shiner Beer, Fireball, and Chivas Regal, among others.
His career took off in 2004 when he joined Young & Rubicam, the leading advertising agency in the Dominican Republic at the time, where he earned the moniker “Evaristo Angurria.” Since then, he has experienced a continuous wave of growth, exploring his passion for mural art. His renowned series “Doña Patria: Dominican Beauty” has earned him recognition and opportunities to participate in various local and urban events such as Design for the Kids, Wallride, Rayaera, Monumental RD and Transitando Art.
Internationally, Angurria has made his mark at mural festivals around the world, including Pow Wow Worcester, Beyond Wall in Lynn MA, and Fiesta de Colores in Portoviejo, Ecuador. His latest mural commission was for the ARRAY NOW Campus in Los Angeles, California, owned by acclaimed filmmaker and activist Ava DuVernay.